The Website Contact Details…
To contact this Website Owners or Administrators – Owners and Administrators
c/o Mike Taylor and Family/Associates
Widener Place, Philadelphia, PA 19141, U.S.A.

About the Website…

Anyone can advertise their Website Text Ads and 468x60 size Banners in agreement with our Website Terms and Rules - in ENGLISH only – no other language, no exceptions. Our Website Owners and Administrators speak and understand only English. Website is also a Private Membership Consumers News, Information and Resources Site. It is presented at the courtesy of Mike Taylor and Family (from in Philadelphia PA, in the United States. Everyone is a Consumer so we are all Consumers in one way or another. As Consumers, we like and prefer to help other Consumers in the best way we can. This Website is one of the ways.

Anyone can register to join but in agreement with our Site TERMS, Policies Information, Disclaimer, Membership Rules, etc. All Membership participation (i.e. Blog Posts, Comments, Voting, Rating, etc) MUST always be in ENGLISH only – no other language, no exceptions. Our Website Owners and Administrators speak and understand only English.

We aim to create an ethical environment online where everyone who agrees with us (i.e. our Website Terms, Policies, Membership Rules, etc) can care and share mainly Consumers related News/Information via their news posts, comments, ratings, voting, etc., as well as advertise their Text Ads and Banners.

About the Website Lead Administrator
Mike Taylor is a College/University Graduate (B.S. in Administration). He has over 15 years experience in dealing with Online Advertising, Promotion, Administration and Customer Service. He is also an Asset Protection Professional, News Blogger, Articles Writer and Internet Business Website Owner (refer to